Formula 1 Jeddah 2022

Formula 1 Jeddah 2022
Formula-1 event in Jeddah presented an exceptional opportunity, allowing for the creation of an extraordinary spectacle through the utilization of a diverse range of royal tent structures. The meticulous orchestration involved the deployment of premium tents such as Arch Dune 10x10 and Arch Gate 5x10, resulting in the realization of one of Saudi Arabia's most distinguished projects. The infusion of creativity and precision was evident in every aspect of the execution, establishing a testament to the unparalleled craftsmanship brought forth.
In the meticulous process of transforming the Formula-1 venue, each royal tent structure became a canvas for innovation. Notably, the Arch Event 5x5 structures were adorned with special branding, contributing a unique and personalized touch to every element. The Royal Tents at Formula-1 Jeddah project encapsulated the epitome of creativity, precision, and innovation in event infrastructure, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of prestigious occasions in Saudi Arabia.

Visualization with Arch Gates
The inclusion of Arch Gates 5x10 allowed event organizers to craft captivating visualizations. The video attached captures the essence of real speed, showcasing how these structures transformed the Formula-1 event in Jeddah into a mesmerizing experience for spectators worldwide.
Zones with Unique Design
Distinguished by vibrant tent fabric colors, the high-quality structures, combined with branding and special lights, created distinct zones. Each zone had a unique atmosphere, enhancing the overall aesthetics. The structures, firmly fixed on flooring platforms with carpet finishing, demonstrated resilience against wind, ensuring a secure setup for the event.

Formula-1 Fan Coverage
With Formula 1 boasting over 400 million viewers globally, our temporary structures provided coverage for fans of this intense sport. The possibility of branding and unique design elements allowed our clients to capture the attention of thousands of eyes, making a significant impact on the Formula-1 experience.
Global Attraction
Formula 1, with its massive audience, witnessed a global attraction through our temporary structures. Leveraging branding and distinctive design, our clients effectively drew the attention of thousands. The temporary setups not only covered Formula 1 fans but also contributed to the visual spectacle, making the event unforgettable for viewers worldwide.